
Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The Doctor Says, “Aerobics Will Kill You!”

By Tom Venuto
I recently got an email from a reader who was told by a fairly prominent doctor/author that aerobics and running will “kill you” (that was more or less the gist of it). As a result, you should avoid aerobics like the plague, says this MD. Since I’ve tolerated enough “steady state cardio is dead” and “aerobics doesn’t work” nonsense over the last few years, despite the success stories I keep churning out that clearly show otherwise, (not to mention my own bodybuilding success, which includes regular cardio), I thought I should not only answer my reader, but also make this topic into an article for anyone else who may have doubts.
Here’s the “killer cardio” question and my response:

Tom, your articles are great. Here’s the problem. More runners die from sudden heart attack and stroke than any other form of exercise on the planet.

It’s because nothing is more foreign to human beings than getting their heart rate up and keeping it there for long periods of time.

Recent studies have shown that while there are benefits to aerobics, (like weight loss), in the long term, statistics show a direct increase in heart disease.

Part of the reason for this is that in an effort to adapt to the unnatural demands being put on the body, to economize, the heart and lungs actually shrink.

Just look at the long list of joint, bone, and muscle injuries that come along with running (it’s right there in the magazines).

As I know you know, a serious weight lifter, if he’s paying attention to form, should almost never suffer injury from weight training. The same is true for the following:

Instead of unnatural, self-abusive aerobics, the best way to actually increase heart and lung capacity and size is to go beyond aerobics. In short, spurts of intense exercise, such as wind-sprints, you move past your ability to produce ATP with oxygen as fast as you are using it, causing your muscles to become ATP depleted.

That’s the point at which your anaerobic energy system kicks in. This is also known as crossing your aerobic threshold.

Burst training, sprints, whatever you want to call it, it shouldn’t be done in addition to aerobics, it should be done in place of aerobics.

Incidentally, I am not saying that one shouldn’t walk, jog, bicycle, swim, etc, just be reasonable.

I had a heart condition that has been totally alleviated. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday of each week, I go through a 45 minute weight training session, followed by a 20 minutes of the interval program.

Check it out, I think this sort of thing would be a great addition to your already good program.


While I agree with much of what you said about the benefits of intense “burst” exercise, I find the anti-running and anti-aerobics arguments promoted by these “experts” to be horribly inflexible, dogmatic and, unlike what you suggested, totally UNreasonable.
Based on the science, I also find the argument that traditional cardio or aerobics is “unhealthy” to be wholly unconvincing. That doctor isn’t giving the full picture.
I subscribe to many sports medicine and exercise science journals and I’ve certainly seen research papers looking at sudden death in elite runners, etc. But most of them were case studies and epidemiology. Believe me, there’s another side to the story.
Marathon running is a highly publicized sport, and the media loves bad news, so the oxymoron of a runner dying of a heart attack makes a great story, which means greater visibility for what is actually a very rare occurrence.
It’s also easy to cherry pick case studies on just about anything to start up a big scare.
This comes from the American Journal of Cardiology:
“The overall prevalence of sudden cardiac death during the marathon was only 0.002%, strikingly lower than for several other variables of risk for premature death calculated for the general U.S. population.”
Although highly trained athletes such as marathon runners may harbor underlying and potentially lethal cardiovascular disease, the risk for sudden cardiac death associated with such intense physical effort was exceedingly small.”
I also find comparing serious endurance athletes pushing their physical limits to regular cardio for general fitness training to be an inappropriate comparison.
What does a rare cardiac event during a 26 mile run have to do with you doing 30 or 45 minutes of jogging or me doing 40 minutes of moderate work on the stairmaster to get cut for a bodybuilding contest?
Even sillier are the people who keep using the late marathon runner and running author Jim Fixx as an example of anything but a guy who had a genetic predisposition for heart disease (gun was loaded). Rumor has it he was a long time smoker, too.
I know some bodybuilders and weight lifters who died of heart attacks in the gym. Should we argue against against weight lifting too? Should we just play it safe and stay on the couch? Freak incidents happen and heredity is a factor.
Please note, I’m saying all this as a strength/physique athlete (bodybuilder), who understands full well that excessive aerobics is counterproductive to my goals and that weight training is priority #1.
But in the right amounts, balanced with proper recovery (as you said, “reasonable”) regular cardio can be instrumental in helping me lower my body fat and it can benefit you in many other ways, physically and mentally.
There are MANY ways to do cardio and all of them have their place at certain times for certain people.
What you’re talking about with sprints or burst training is also known as High Intensity Interval Training or HIIT for short.
HIIT can be a great way to get cardiovascular conditioning and burn a lot of calories in a very time efficient manner.
Furthermore, a paper just published recently in the ACSM’s Exercise and Sport Sciences Review (July 2009) discussed the research suggesting that intense aerobic interval training provides greater benefits for the heart than low or moderate intensity exercise.
The benefits discussed included:
  • Increased maximal oxygen uptake
  • Improved heart muscle contractile function
  • Improved heart muscle calcium handling
  • reduced cardiac dysfunction in metabolic syndrome
  • Reversed pathological cardiac hypertrophy
  • Increased physiological hypertrophy of the heart muscle
  • Overall improved quality of life and length of life by avoiding fatal heart attacks.
This is NOT an argument AGAINST regular cardio, it is evidence in favor of intense cardio.
I like HIIT and intense types of cardio! I don’t need to add it to my program because it’s already a part of it.
My first book about fat loss, Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle was first published in 2002 and I recommended HIIT way back then - as well as regular cardio, not one or the other. I Still do!
There were also people promoting HIIT long before me. It’s not any revolutionary idea - people just keep putting new names and spins on it for marketing purposes.
The problem is, to argue in favor of HIIT should not be construed as arguing against conventional cardio or aerobics.
Many of the world’s best bodybuilders and fitness models used slow, steady state cardio exclusively prior to competitions and they got ripped right down to the six pack abs. They didn’t die of a heart attack and they didn’t lose muscle either.
In fact, many bodybuilders opt for low intensity cardio specifically for muscle retention when they get to the tail end of contest prep where body fat stores are getting low and food intake is low. Adding more high intensity training on top of all the weight training is often catabolic in that caloric deficit situation.
Listen, HIIT and other types of intense cardio are great. It’s time efficient, making it ideal for the busy person, and its very effective for both fat loss and cardiovascular conditioning. It’s also more engaging, as many people find longer, slower sessions of cardio boring.
If you have a history of heart disease and you smoke like a chimney and at the same time you decide you want to take up marathon running, ok, I’ll concede to some caution.
But, “Aerobics is going to kill you!”??????
Perfect marketing hook for a cultish “HIIT is the only way” type of program… little more.
Bottom line: sure, do your HIIT, do your sprints, do your Tabatas….
Do your regular steady state aerobics or running too…
Or, do a little bit of everything like I do!
Be sure weight training is your foremost training priority and then do whatever type of cardio you enjoy and whatever type gets you the best results.
If you like to run, then RUN, and tell the “experts” who say otherwise to BUZZ OFF and take their sensationalistic journalism and marketing with them!
Train hard and expect success!
Tom Venuto, author of
Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle
Founder & CEO of
Burn The Fat Inner Circle
About the Author:
Tom Venuto is the author of the #1 best seller, Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle: Fat Burning Secrets of the World’s Best Bodybuilders and Fitness Models. Tom is a lifetime natural bodybuilder and fat loss expert who achieved an astonishing 3.7% body fat level without drugs or supplements. Discover how to increase your metabolism and burn stubborn body fat, find out which foods burn fat and which foods turn to fat, plus get a free fat loss report and mini course by visiting Tom's site at:

Monday, November 28, 2011

How Do Bodybuilders And Fitness Models Get So Lean?

By Tom Venuto, CSCS, NSCA-CPT

QUESTION: "Tom, on your website, you wrote: 'Who better to model than bodybuilders and fitness competitors? No athletes in the world get as lean as quickly as bodybuilders and fitness competitors. The transformations they undergo in 12 weeks prior to competition would boggle your mind!

Only ultra-endurance athletes come close in terms of low body fat levels, but endurance athletes like triathaletes and marathoners often get lean at the expense of chewing up much of their lean muscle."

There seems to be a contradiction unless I'm missing something. Why do bodybuilders and fitness competitors have to go through a 12 week 'transformation' prior to every event instead of staying 'lean and mean' all the time? If they practice the secrets exposed in your book, shouldn't be staying in great shape all the time instead of having to work at losing fat prior to every competitive event?"

ANSWER: Thanks for your question. There's a logical explanation for why bodybuilders and other physique athletes (fitness and figure competitors), don't remain completely ripped all year round, and it's the very reason they are able to get so ripped on the day of a contest...

You can't hold a peak forever or it's not a "peak", right? What is the definition of a peak? It's a high point surrounded by two lower points isn't it? Therefore, any shape you can stay in all year round is NOT your "peak" condition.

The intelligent approach to nutrition and training (which almost all bodybuilders  and fitness/figure competitors use), is to train and diet in a seasonal or cyclical fashion and build up to a peak, then ease off to a maintenance or growth phase.

I am NOT talking about bulking up and getting fat and out of shape every year, then dieting it all off every year. What I'm talking about is going from good shape to great shape, then easing back off to good shape.... but never getting "out of shape."

Makes a lot of sense, doesn't it?

Here's an example: I have no intentions whatsoever of walking around 365 days a year at 4% body fat like I appear in the photo on my website. Truth be told, that is day of contest condition.

Off-season (when I'm not competing), my body fat is usually between 8 - 10%. Mind you, that's very lean and still single digit body fat.I don't stray too far from competition shape, but I don't maintain contest shape all the time. It takes me about 10-12 weeks or so to gradually drop from 9% to 3.5%-4.0% body fat to "peak" for competition with NO loss of lean body mass, using the same techniques I reveal in my e-book.

It would be almost impossible to maintain 4% body fat, and even if I could, why would I want to? For the few weeks prior to competition I'm so depleted, ripped, and even "drawn" in the face, that complete strangers walk up and offer to feed me.

Okay, so I'm just kidding about that, but let's just say being "being ripped to shreds" isn't a desirable condition to maintain because it takes such a monumental effort to stay there.

It's probably not even healthy to try forcing yourself to hold extreme low body fat. Unless you're a natural "ectomorph" (skinny, fast metabolism body type), your body will fight you and you'll always be hungry.

Not only that, anabolic hormones may drop and sometimes your immune system is affected as well (and I hate to say this, but sometimes - for some people - even the, uh... "reproductive functions"... decline a bit when you're that lean).

Hey, I'm just being honest. It's just not "normal" to walk around all the time  with literally NO subcutaneous body fat.

Instead of attempting to hold the peak, I cycle back into a less demanding off-season program and avoid creeping beyond 9.9% body fat. Some years I've stayed leaner - like 6-7%, (which takes effort), especially when I knew I would be photographed, but I don't let my body fat go over 10%. Thats "the line" I draw - it's like a personal "rule" for me.

This practice isn't just restricted to bodybuilders. Athletes in all sports use periodization to build themselves up to their best shape for competition.

Is a pro football player in the same condition in March-April as he is in August-September? Probably not. Many show up fat and out of shape (relatively speaking) for training camp, others just need fine tuning, but none are in peak form... that's why they have training camp!!!

There's another reason you wouldn't want to maintain a "ripped to shreds" physique all year round - you'd have to be dieting (calorie restricted) all the time. And this is one of the reasons that 95% of people can't lose weight and keep it off - they are CHRONIC dieters... always on some type of diet. Know anyone like that?

You can't stay on restricted low calories indefinitely. Sooner or later your metabolism slows down and you plateau as your body adapts to the chronically lowered food intake and reduced body weight.

But if you diet for fat loss and push incredibly hard for 3 months, then ease off for a while and eat a little more (healthy food, not "pigging out"), your metabolic rate is re-stimulated.

In a few weeks or months, you can return to another fat loss phase and reach an even lower body fat level, until you finally reach the point that's your happy maintenance level for life - a level that is healthy and realistic - as well as visually appealing.

That's how we physique athletes do it...

Bodybuilders have discovered a methodology for losing fat that's so effective, it puts them in complete control of their body composition. They've mastered  this area of their lives and will never have to worry about it again.

If they ever "slip" and fall off the wagon like all humans do at times ... no problem! They know how to get back into shape fast.

Bodybuilders have the tools and knowledge to hold a low body fat all year round(such as 9% for men, or about 15% for women), and then at a whim, to reach a temporary "peak" of extremely low body fat for the purpose of competition.

Maybe most important of all, they have the power and control to slowly ease back from peak shape into maintenance, and not balloon up and yo-yo like most conventional dieters.

What if you had the power to stay lean all year round, and then get super lean when summer rolled around, or when you took your vacation to the Caribbean, or when your wedding date was coming up?

Wouldn't you like to be in control of your body like that? Isn't that the same thing that bodybuilders and fitness/figure competitors do, only on a more practical, real-world level?

So even if you have no intention of ever being a bodybuilder, don't you agree that there's something of value everyone could learn from physique athletes?

Don't model yourself after the huge crowd of "losers" who gobble diet pills, buy exercise gimmicks and suffer through starvation diets like automatons, only to  gain back everything they lost! Instead, learn from the leanest athletes on Earth - natural bodybuilders and fitness competitors...

These physique athletes get as ripped as they want to be, exactly when they want to, simply by manipulating their diets in a cyclical fashion between pre-contest "cutting" programs and off season "maintenance" or "muscle growth" programs.

Even if you have no desire to ever compete, try this seasonal "peaking" approach yourself and you'll see that it can work as well for you as it does for elite bodybuilders.

If you're interested in learning even more secrets of bodybuilders and fitness models, visit the Burn The Fat website at:

Train hard and expect success,

Tom Venuto,
Fat loss coach
About the Author:
Tom Venuto is a fat loss expert, lifetime natural (steroid-free) bodybuilder, independent nutrition researcher, freelance writer, and author of the #1 best selling diet e-book, Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle: Fat-Burning Secrets of The World’s Best Bodybuilders & Fitness Models (e-book) which teaches you how to get lean without drugs or supplements using secrets of the world's best bodybuilders and fitness models. Learn how to get rid of stubborn fat and increase your metabolism by visiting:

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Interested in getting this for free?

Just a friendly reminder – if you’re interested in learning 5 undiscovered tricks
to DOUBLE your gains immediately then be sure to download this report that
is absolutely free – no strings attached.

Grab it today before the link expires:

==> 5 Tricks To Double Your Gains Immediately <---- Link expires soon


Jaco Alberts

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

5 mistakes to KISS your gains GOODBYE [free gift]

Think you got your training and nutrition down to a science?

Download this brand new report, written by an extremely intelligent
bodybuilder to make sure you're avoiding these 5 overlooked pitfalls...

==> 5 mistakes to KISS your gains GOODBYE

Instead of it being $24.99, it's a completely FREE gift for visiting
his website because Ben believes that one of the fastest ways to
double your gains isn't to ensure you're getting everything right
but rather to evaluate what you're doing wrong!

==> 5 mistakes to KISS your gains GOODBYE

You're just seconds away from discovering five of the most common
training and dietary mistakes that people make as they work to
build lean muscle and torch more bodyfat. 

And then you'll learn the 5 solutions to DOUBLE your gains immediately!

==> 5 mistakes to KISS your gains GOODBYE

Get it while it's free today!

Jaco Alberts

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

5 tricks to DOUBLE your gains IMMEDIATELY [free download]

Are you interested in doubling and even tripling your gains
IMMEDIATELY? If so, make sure you download this free report here:

==> 5 tricks to DOUBLE your gains IMMEDIATELY

Perhaps, THE brightest pro bodybuilder in the world - Benjamin Pakulski -
just put the final touch ups on his content-loaded report, and instead
of it being $24.99, it's FREE today!

==> 5 tricks to DOUBLE your gains IMMEDIATELY

In it, Ben reveals 5 overlooked mistakes REVERSING your gains and
if you want to get big & lean in less time you're going to be shocked by
these 5 undiscovered tricks no one has told you.... until now!

Grab it while it's free:

==> 5 tricks to DOUBLE your gains IMMEDIATELY

Enjoy it!

Jaco Alberts

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Lose SEVEN pounds in 4 days (here's how)

My good friends Craig Ballantyne and Joel Marion are sweetening the pot BIG-time with their brand new 24/7 Fat Loss system.

You see, not only are they giving you the exact blueprint that will allow you to burn fat EVERY minute of every day, but now they're including ANOTHER full blown program for F.REE - The 4 Day Rapid Fat Loss Diet.

As the name suggests, the 4 Day Diet is a BRAND NEW rapid fat loss program that promises to deliver exceptionally fast fat loss in a very short period of time -- just 4 days.

The program revolves around an incredibly strategic 4 day sequence where each day builds on the previous day to literally create the perfect fat loss environment within your body over the course of 96 hours.

The result? Up to 7 pounds of blubber GONE.

24/7 Fat Loss + The 4 Day Diet *FREE*
And get this -- you can do the program back to back for DOUBLE the results!

Get your discounted copy of 24/7 Fat Loss and the brand new 4 Day Diet F.REE until tomorrow here:

==> 24/7 Fat Loss + The 4 Day Diet *FREE*

After tomorrow, however, the Joel & Craig have let me know that 4 Day Diet program will never be made available again, even to buy. The ONLY way you can own it is by picking up the 24/7 Fat Loss system during this special launch event.

Get it here:

==> 24/7 Fat Loss + The 4 Day Diet *FREE*

Talk soon,


Thursday, November 10, 2011

Burn Fat Fast with the Original Turbulence Training Workout

By: Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

You know those people who always talk about their workouts, and yet when you go to the gym with them they actually look out of shape?  Well, a similar scenario happened with Mike – a former client of mine and a self-proclaimed "gym buff"…  

… When Mike, who was semi-active at the time, learned of my 3-day a week training program, he enthusiastically jumped on board. And unsurprisingly, it took him just one short intense workout before he realized the raw power of Turbulence Training.

While over the course of the program Mike and I disagreed on the length of recovery time between sets, there was certainly no arguing his results – in only 4 short weeks Mike had lost 10 pounds while gaining a TON of lean muscle mass.

Since Mike’s life-changing day many years ago, thousands of others have joined him in realizing the transformative power of total body, fast and effective workouts like the one found in the Turbulence Training Original workout program.

So what do YOU need to realize your own powerful transformation?

1)    You’ll need to ditch slow, boring cardio.
That’s because it’s useless for fat loss and causes overuse injury.  Bottom line, your time can be used much more efficiently to achieve the body you desire.

2)    You’ll need to free up three, 45-minute slots a week.

Why so little time? Well, nowadays we’re too busy for 90-minute, six day-a-week workout programs. And by combining my short burst interval workouts with strategically designed supersets of dumbbell and bodyweight exercises, you’ll maximize your results in minimum time.

Just think of all the free time you’ll now have to spend with friends and family, or even just enjoying some of your hobbies!

The fusion of TT Original’s two intense, total body workouts with advanced interval training sessions has proven to work time and time again. And with the Turbulence Training 60-day, no questions asked money back guarantee, why not find out how you too can quickly transform your body from its current out-of-shape physique like Mikes, into a strong, lean and sexy work of art.

About the Author

Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Health, Men's Fitness, Maximum Fitness, Muscle and Fitness Hers, and Oxygen magazines. His trademarked Turbulence Training fat loss workouts have been featured multiple times in Men’s Fitness and Maximum Fitness magazines, and have helped thousands of men and women around the world lose fat, gain muscle, and get lean in less than 45 minutes three times per week. For more information on the Turbulence Training workouts that will help you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment, visit